Krav Maga is known for a few main principles in its teaching:

  1. Do as much damage in as little time as possible
  2. Transition from defending to attacking in as little time as possible (including simultaneously)
  3. Use items around you as weapons
  4. Be aware of everything



How is it different?

Most attacks do not occur in the comfort and regulated environment of a formal dojo or training hall. Krav Maga training is therefore predicated on the fact that attacks and life threatening situations can occur anywhere and in an instant.

Attacks happen when we least expect them, when we are most vulnerable, in areas congested with furniture and other objects, on uneven ground, in low light areas, in car parks and many other environments where we live, move through and work. Therefore, our training is structured to allow for these and other variables that occur during violent attacks.

You will train to overcome and/or compensate for the effects of shock, deterioration of fine motor skills, tunnel vision and other factors such as time distortion etc. Our techniques and other skills have been developed and refined in real world situations and, have been used successfully by civilians, police and others trained in the system.

What will you learn?

  • The self confidence to identify, avoid and, if necessary neutralise an attack
  • How to function effectively under the stress and shock of a sudden attack
  • How to defend against a number of common attacks such as chokes, bear hugs, punches, attacks on the ground and weapons such as guns, knives and sticks
  • Increase your fitness level

Krav Maga’s Behavioural Code

Imi emphasised good citizenship and a strong sense of morality. The following pillars of Imi’s system help summarise his teachings.

1 - Good citizenship

Treat your fellow-citizens with respect and obey the law. Imi sought to install “a sense of self worth”.

2 - Train properly to avoid injury 

Do not injure your partner or yourself by training haphazardly.

3 - Act humbly

Do not show-off your skills or provoke others to test your mettle. Act courteously toward others. As Imi said, “The most necessary thing, is to educate you– and that is the hardest thing–to be humble. You must be so humble that you don’t want to show him that you’re better than him. That is one of the most necessary things for pupils. If a pupil tells me, ‘I fought him and beat him,’ it’s no good.”

4 - Avoid confrontation 

Avoid or deescalate a potential violent situation whenever possible. When asked about a hypothetical confrontation that could be avoided, Imi responded, “Know what I told you – to be humble. I don’t want to get beaten. I don’t want to beat him. My purpose in learning Krav Maga is not to get hurt. If you beat him, you want to show him you can beat him. If you turn away, you have enough confidence.”

Do not use unnecessary force. Respond to a threat or attack with only the necessary amount of force to neutralise the attack. Imi underscored, “That is most necessary and difficult thing in Krav Maga – that I must be so good that I don’t must kill.”